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I write regularly. In my writing I explore a range of topics like Identity, Perspective, Transformation, Conscious Authentic Relating. Writing is a tool for me to observe finer distinctions within these realms, which then supports me in my speaking, training, and coaching.

Most of my writing is done right here though you can see an anthology of my published works and how you can purchase them on this page.


“I absolutely love your writing! I feel such resonance in your words because you write from your heart. It's real and a perspective not often publicly shared... I really appreciate that. I always look forward to your posts and I savour them.”

- Louise Vella

"Your authenticity and willingness to seek to arrive at what I see as mature, generous perspectives is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to have someone write about these topics, give a voice to them, normalise them, and seek to make sense of them (and not overanalyse them either)."

- Tim Longhurst

"When I read your writing I feel a sense of acceptance and possibility. It helps remind me how we each perceive things differently and since we're each on our own journeys growing and evolving, we can deepen in love. It's very special."

- Brett Hunt

Gifts with “Ugly” Wrapping Paper

It’s amazing to witness how frenzied people have become about the coronavirus.

I wonder what would happen if we responded to the climate crisis with the same manner of urgency.

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22 Mental Health Strategies for Quarantine

22 Mental Health Strategies for Quarantine

  1. Focus on what you can do right now. Let yourself do the things that you were always “too busy” to do before. Read, write, paint, draw, dance. Start a new project. Now is a great time to start a new project like learn how to knit, put together a big jigsaw puzzle, read the Harry Potter series, watch that series all your friends have been raving about. There are so many possibilities still available to us when we focus on what we CAN do rather than what we can’t.

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5 daily practices to help you manage fear

5 daily practices to help you manage fear

  • BREATHE EVENLY. Even breathing – inhaling for the same count as our exhale – for just two minutes is the quickest way to re-balance the nervous system. This is vital to release the fear and return to present state awareness. 

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Finding certainty in uncertain times

Finding certainty in uncertain times

It is a psychological need of ours to feel certain, to feel safe, to feel secure. We need these things. And for others who are living in New South Wales Australia, like I am, in the past 6 months we’ve experienced record breaking drought, unlike any we’ve seen before, extreme out of control wildfires and now there is this coronavirus pandemic. And that’s just in the last half a year. There’s been a number of these things happening externally that makes it challenging for us to predict and plan what’s going on in our environment. 

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It’s not them, it’s you.

Even though I’m based in Bali now, having grown up in the US, in my mind February 14th is associated with Valentine’s Day, which is associated with love.

You wanna know what I think of when I think of love? I think of how much I’ve improved in my own adoration of self in all its forms.

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Which of these two types are you?

Which of these two types are you?

The relationship between awareness and change

I had a conversation with someone recently who said: “Awareness isn’t enough to change something. You can be aware of something and still not know how to change it.”

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“At the core of your being, you already are all that you seek.”

Divya Darling Illuminate the Infinite logo


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