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I write regularly. In my writing I explore a range of topics like Identity, Perspective, Transformation, Conscious Authentic Relating. Writing is a tool for me to observe finer distinctions within these realms, which then supports me in my speaking, training, and coaching.

Most of my writing is done right here though you can see an anthology of my published works and how you can purchase them on this page.


“I absolutely love your writing! I feel such resonance in your words because you write from your heart. It's real and a perspective not often publicly shared... I really appreciate that. I always look forward to your posts and I savour them.”

- Louise Vella

"Your authenticity and willingness to seek to arrive at what I see as mature, generous perspectives is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to have someone write about these topics, give a voice to them, normalise them, and seek to make sense of them (and not overanalyse them either)."

- Tim Longhurst

"When I read your writing I feel a sense of acceptance and possibility. It helps remind me how we each perceive things differently and since we're each on our own journeys growing and evolving, we can deepen in love. It's very special."

- Brett Hunt

Feeling Triggered? Great!

Feeling Triggered? Great!

I suspect this could be a bit of a controversial post because it may trigger some people. But, it’s what feels alive in me to explore right now so I’m going there. Read on if you’re up for potentially being triggered. ????

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Asking for support

Asking for support

There are many people who feel uncomfortable reaching out to others when they are in need of support (emotional, physical, financial, etc.).

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The Sickness We Can’t See

The Sickness We Can’t See

Can I share a personal story about sickness with you?

Almost everyone has someone in their life that they struggle to see eye to eye with- to connect with and understand. I consider myself extraordinarily blessed to be married to one such person.

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If You Have a Problem, You Are The Problem

If You Have a Problem, You Are The Problem

If you have a problem, you are the problem. 

It’s a bit of a controversial statement, I know. However, the reality that I live in is built on the presupposition that we are creating everything we experience. We’re perceiving it, so therefore we’re designing it in our minds. Fun neuroscience fact: there is nothing in our experience that is outside of us. Everything we’re seeing in the world is something that we have trained or conditioned ourselves to look for. 

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Read This And Reconsider What You Used to Believe About Productivity (2)

Read This And Reconsider What You Used to Believe About Productivity

It’s not actually the thing; it’s the thing under the thing that’s driving us.

I had a session with someone recently and it started with him saying, “I don’t go to my office as early as I used to and I want to go earlier.” And when I questioned why, he said, “Because I want to be more productive. My team is not producing as effectively when I’m not there and I want to be there so we can be a more productive office.”

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Secondhand Love

Secondhand Love

It’s Valentines Day today which has got a lot of people thinking and talking about love, so I wanted to share my views on it with you. If it resonates – great. If not that’s totally cool too because at least it will offer you another lens through which you can reconsider and refine your own views on what feels right for you. Here’s what I believe about love:

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“At the core of your being, you already are all that you seek.”

Divya Darling Illuminate the Infinite logo


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