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I write regularly. In my writing I explore a range of topics like Identity, Perspective, Transformation, Conscious Authentic Relating. Writing is a tool for me to observe finer distinctions within these realms, which then supports me in my speaking, training, and coaching.

Most of my writing is done right here though you can see an anthology of my published works and how you can purchase them on this page.


“I absolutely love your writing! I feel such resonance in your words because you write from your heart. It's real and a perspective not often publicly shared... I really appreciate that. I always look forward to your posts and I savour them.”

- Louise Vella

"Your authenticity and willingness to seek to arrive at what I see as mature, generous perspectives is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to have someone write about these topics, give a voice to them, normalise them, and seek to make sense of them (and not overanalyse them either)."

- Tim Longhurst

"When I read your writing I feel a sense of acceptance and possibility. It helps remind me how we each perceive things differently and since we're each on our own journeys growing and evolving, we can deepen in love. It's very special."

- Brett Hunt

When we transform they do too…eventually

When we transform they do too…eventually

A few years back I met someone who shared with me that she didn’t feel very safe in my space.

She knew my personal philosophy is that all emotions lead home to Self and I suppose at that stage she found it quite confronting. Of course it may seem “easier” to point the finger at others, but every time we do, we have 3 fingers pointing back at Self.

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Obligation or Inspiration

Obligation or Inspiration

In this episode of Divya’s Discoveries we discuss the different energies of obligation and inspiration. How can we consciously choose which energy to be in and honour our chosen inspiration rather than obligation? We learn just as much from our misses, as our marks?

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Capturing a 3D Experience with a Single Point

Capturing a 3D Experience with a Single Point

Let’s illuminate our innate superpowers, as evidenced by the seemingly innocuous question: how was your day?

The question points to how we create experience through our perception and the metrics we choose to evaluate it.

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Perfect Time

Perfect Time

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? I do. In fact, I believe that everything is always unfolding in perfect time, even if in this moment our brains may not perceive it.

This belief emerged after becoming aware of the delightful synchronicity of life in a variety of contexts (you know those freaky inexplicable experiences I’m referring to?). And I find it to be quite an enabling belief, so I use it the vast majority of the time.

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“At the core of your being, you already are all that you seek.”

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