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I write regularly. In my writing I explore a range of topics like Identity, Perspective, Transformation, Conscious Authentic Relating. Writing is a tool for me to observe finer distinctions within these realms, which then supports me in my speaking, training, and coaching.

Most of my writing is done right here though you can see an anthology of my published works and how you can purchase them on this page.


“I absolutely love your writing! I feel such resonance in your words because you write from your heart. It's real and a perspective not often publicly shared... I really appreciate that. I always look forward to your posts and I savour them.”

- Louise Vella

"Your authenticity and willingness to seek to arrive at what I see as mature, generous perspectives is a breath of fresh air. It's nice to have someone write about these topics, give a voice to them, normalise them, and seek to make sense of them (and not overanalyse them either)."

- Tim Longhurst

"When I read your writing I feel a sense of acceptance and possibility. It helps remind me how we each perceive things differently and since we're each on our own journeys growing and evolving, we can deepen in love. It's very special."

- Brett Hunt

The Trouble with Making Sense

The Trouble with Making Sense

Let me ask you something… How do you know what you know?

Now, I’m not referring to something you’ve learned. I differentiate knowledge from knowing. Knowledge is what we get when we read books, journal articles, or watch TED talks. Knowing is when we connect with an experience we’ve had personally. Some call it intuition or the sixth sense. Either way, it comes from the inside, not the outside, and is accessed most easily by stillness — meditation and other contemplative practices.

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The Body’s Intrinsic Brilliance In Action

The Body’s Intrinsic Brilliance In Action

I have an interesting story to share with you. If you’ve been engaging with me for a while you know that one of the topics I’m most passionate about discussing is how this thing we call “I” – our identity – is fluid and ever-changing. We avoid cognitive dissonance (when our beliefs are misaligned with our behaviours) when we’re mindful of these shifts and curiously ask ourselves, “how do I want to be today?” rather than fixating on notions of who we already are.

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It’s OK Not To Be OK

It’s OK Not To Be OK

Yesterday I attended a funeral for a 17 year old boy named Sharne who hung himself. There were at least 300 others, people of all demographics, spilling out of the large church in the Western Suburbs.

Sounds of soft sobs filled the room as people shared stories about this beautiful young man with a “million dollar smile and a billion dollar heart.” The heartbreak, grief, and sorrow were palpable. I never even met the lad (he’s the son of one of my partner’s oldest friends) and still I couldn’t help feeling overcome with emotion, barely able to swallow because of the lump in my throat.

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Focusing on Fulfillment

Focusing on Fulfillment

I’m feeling inspired by a Tim Ferris podcast featuring Tony Robbins – arguably the most well known person in the personal development industry. He popularised coaching and by being a life coach, made it something available to more than just executives and peak performers. For that, I’ll always be grateful to him (coaching has irrevocably transformed the quality of my life and countless others I know). However, previously much of Tony’s focus has been on achievement and success: How can we achieve more? How do we remove our unconscious barriers and blockages so we can be our best?

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The cleaner the mirror the quicker we see ourselves

The cleaner the mirror the quicker we see ourselves

The cleaner the mirror the easier it is to see ourselves. I often train other transformational coaches, and regularly reinforce this fact, reminding them that learning all the sophisticated change methodologies in our toolkit will never be as powerful as when we apply them to Self. The more of our stuff we have cleared, the more fully present we can be in the space, and the more quickly those we hold space for can come to true awareness of their Self. This is the magic of the work we facilitators get to do at IBI.

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“At the core of your being, you already are all that you seek.”

Divya Darling Illuminate the Infinite logo


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